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Posts tagged ‘news. health’

Time to Accept Change Enter Life Number 4

After my admission into hospital on Monday morning I spent the day being subjected to long overdue tests, I sort of knew the official outcome well in advance but what I think and the Neuro confirms are two completely different things.

Late on Tuesday afternoon my Neurologist and his latest trainee arrived to deliver the verdict, my most recent MRI is not good and along with the two brain stem lesions I have a couple more in my lower spine. The good news is my brain is in very good nick a few old lesions that play about with my eyes from time to time but nothing to worry about.

This time the is no promise of a fix but a plan to build up my strength, I need to reduce my stress levels not something I see happening anytime soon, not unless the Government walks and society learns to care. I have worked all my life and for the first time I am about to apply for disability I have a right to be treated with dignity and respect as this process will be far from easy for me there is an element of failure of becoming what I have always hoped I would never be ‘a person with a disability’ people change, job opportunities are less, you get talked about and over in you presence!

I am now officially disabled and a wheelchair user but I am no less intelligent than I was before this relapse I have a voice and let no one ever try and shut me up. Once my treatment is over I plan to get my head down next week and write my long awaited trilogy of books, my daughter wants to design the cover so I may actually self publish even though I have a publisher interested we all know kindle is the way forward.

So I had so bad news and my street dancing days are over but I have a cool little scooter and cant wait to become the woman in the purple coat with the yellow hat. I always have been a socialist activist and plan to put more effort into this area of my life once i am well enough. I received the appointment for my lignocaine infusion on March 13th so once I get over the iv steroids I should be pain free for a month at least and hoping to get hubby to take me to Dublin for the march. I am still going to the EU with the 1 Plus 100 petition for the patients charter to be ratified, so don’t forget those email I desperately need to make it happen.